It is back-end CMS code that determines the content of the page at any given time. For example, product X and product Y are displayed using the same page. A site with hundreds of product pages actually has one or sometimes two actual PHP-driven, template-attached pages that serve all product-related pages. Why? Because the sites I build are driven by a content management system (CMS). A more typical number is 25, sometimes less. The truth is that the sites I build don't have hundreds of pages. The same is true for uploading ten years ago I had DSL and now I have FIOS, 100 times faster. The update process is dependent on the speed of the developer's computer ten years ago that would have been painful for a site with several hundred attached pages but today it's a minor inconvenience. A template change means that each page must be updated and then uploaded to the live site. The key disadvantage of this kind of template comes with sites having a very large number of attached pages. It's a very simple idea - pages are attached to templates and whenever the master template is updated, so are all the attached pages.
Despite the name, DWTs are static templates that EW4 knows how to manage. I am using a feature introduced in FrontPage (FP) 2003 called Dynamic Web Templates (DWT), a feature also supported to this day by Adobe Dreamweaver. Am I somehow locked into using Expression Web? Is that the reason I'm still using it? Dynamic Web Templates Let's get one thing out of the way right away. Most PHP developers will consider it heresy that I'm not using a "serious" tool, like JetBrains' PhpStorm IDE, to do my work. (As of July 2020, the download was removed from Microsoft's site but can be found at the WayBack Machine.) Upon its demise, Expression Web 4 (EW4) was posted on Microsoft's Web site as a free download and is still there. Microsoft's Expression Web product, the descendant of Vermeer Technology's FrontPage Web site editor, was discontinued nearly five years ago.